Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen

Idioma English

Publicado el 1 de Agosto de 2023 por Harlequin Enterprises ULC.

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4 estrellas (1 reseña)

Can you ever really forget the one who got away?

August Merriweather has always been good with animals. In fact, she’s known as Manhattan’s Dog Whisperer. Men, on the other hand? Not so much. She’s been falling for the wrong guys ever since her regrettable crush on Keaton Sax, older brother of her best friend, Leah, and the biggest jerkface this side of the Hudson.

Now an emotionally closed off widower, Keaton has become one of the most formidable men on Wall Street, but August knows his secret. He’s not driven by sales targets and bonus checks—Keaton just wants to give his family the security they never had. So when Leah asks Keaton to wrangle her over-the-top, dramatic husky at a weekend talent competition, Keaton says yes…and begs August to help him win the event for Leah.

Between obstacle courses, Molly’s husky temper tantrums and a cabin with just one …

1 edición

Soft and sweet

4 estrellas

3.5 stars

I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review

Was it too much to ask for a decent, normal guy who wanted the same happy, successful three-point-two puppy life as you?

Even though it disappoints her parents, August is a successful business owner of a dog grooming business but her personal life isn't so great. After a date has her going viral, she decides it's time to enlist the help of a matchmaker and then is embarrassed when her bestfriend's older brother Keaton finds out. Growing up, August had a big crush on Keaton but when he made a move, she chickened out and August fell in love and got married. But ten years ago, his wife died and now Keaton buries himself in his high powered consulting firm on Wall Street, scared and unwilling to …


  • Fiction, animals
  • Fiction, family life, siblings
  • Fiction, romance, romantic comedy